Hmm. There seems to be a huge amount of Pontiac owners that have a chip on their shoulder. I guess they're finally finding out that their cars are just boring, rebadged Chevys and NOT the racecars that they thought at the time of purchase(and they're lashing out at actual inexpensive/fun cars).
Unlike most of the people in this group, this car actually started out as a somewhat capable daily driver, but like any ricer, the owner couldn't help himself from expending his bank account in making it as ugly as possible.
Even with the ugly wheels, this car wouldn't be tooo bad, but this owner just couldn't help himself and went all out with the mismatched/gaudy grille. He also feels the need, for some reason, to drive home the fact that he put cheap rims on the car. (in case you couldn't tell from the logo on the centercap 20 inches below the wheel well decal)
It's a shame more people didn't share these guys' love for Pontiacs. The company might still be around today.